Best Article writing Format for new Bloggers

Best Article writing Format for new Bloggers: The task of writing article is a very serious and enjoying task. Reason being that if you not enjoying it then it will make everyone bored and if you are not serious then it will not give your message to the readers. So you must focus on both the elements. For a professional writer it is very easy to write an article or you can say he just enjoys his task but for the new comers who are new in article writing, they should follow a proper format of article writing.

For me the best format is that what your readers wants from you but if you don’t have readers then you need to follow a standard format and after that you can write in your own format. Here I am writing this article that what is the best article writing format for new blogger so that everyone can write their post in a standard way. So this is the best article writing format for new blogger.

Best Article writing Format for new Bloggers

Title– Firstly you must write a catchy title for your article. Your title in the article should be in H1 so that everyone can see it easily. It will take the attention of your readers into the article. It should be informative so that it can tell that what you are going to write about. It should not be too long or too short.

Introduction– Foundation of your article

Paragraph– A writer must give an attention to it. Many writers start their article without writing its introduction but the introduction part is very critical. It tells that what actually your article contains. Your introduction should be very good. Your readers must get excited by it that they think they are going to read some good stuff.

Main body-As its name show it is the heart of your article.

Headings– Heading plays an important role because it makes you article very catchy. You need to choose headings of the article very honestly or seriously because after the title your headings will be in h2. So these should be so impressive that readers start loving your article.

Paragraph– These paragraphs will contain the body of the headings that actually what your article is about. It is the actual body of your article. Before writing it you must do a good research on the topic so that you can make a relationship of knowledge with your audience.

Conclusion-The ending part of the article

Paragraph– Many writers never give any conclusion of the article and many of them just take few lines from the body and just write them. It is not the best way because if you are writing your article from your heart then you must end up this article with your feelings. So end up your article with a summary what readers have interpreted from your article.

After these all steps read your article at once for sure. Reason being that it will tell you that it gives a feel of story or not. If your whole content is not connected then it can be just a waste.

Paste the article into ms-word so that you can get your grammar or spelling mistake.

So this is the best article writing format for new blogger

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