About Us

Hello friends, this is Sumi Thakur, a professional blogger from India. I love to do blogging and exploring new ways to help people who are having trouble in life. Here we share coloring pages for those who want to relax their mind. We know that cases of depression are increasing day by day so by providing these coloring pages for free, we are helping them to relax and calm their mind.

We share some tips to live a happy and joyful life. If you ask me then living a joyful life full of adventures is very easy but we humans make it more complex. So My motto is to provide you the best guide and coloring pictures to calm your mind.

Who I am?

As I told you, my name is Sumit Thakur. I did engineering and now working as a full-time blogger. I love to make coloring pages and that is the reason we have simple coloring pages that are suitable for kids and toddlers only. We are a group of few people who works on this blog, All these coloring pages are made with the help of the internet.

