Tips for How to write great articles for Blogs

Tips for how to write great articles for blogs: There are now many blogger, who are making stuff for the audience. But there are few who make a bond with their audience so that they come daily to their blog or website. Actually they are making the articles for the revenue purpose only. For sure everyone do this for revenue or money but this is not the only element one should focus on. Seriously if you want that your audience should wait for yours articles then you need to make the best content. And if you want to make the best content for your audience then you need focus that your audience actually wants from you. If you work for the audience only then automatically you will surely get the revenue from it. Now question is that how to write great articles for blogs. Here I am writing this article Tips for how to write great articles for blogs for all of those who are stuck in killer blog article making.

Tips for How to write great articles for Blogs

Find the problem

Now it is the best venture to find that what stuff you should make for your audience. This is what I used to do for making content for the audience. If there is a problem then there should be an answer for it too. For this you can go to many question-answer website from where you can find those problems which are asked by the viewers. There are many discussion forms too from where you can pick the problem. You can make some new contents too from those website which are not updates from last few year by giving it your own words. By this way you can fill a new energy in that content.

Research before you write

Now after finding the problem your next step should be a research on that topic by searching more websites or communities. That is sure you can never be the master of all the fields. Now for this, what can you do? You should do some research on that topic in this case. By researching on the topic you will surely get the depth knowledge about that topic. After that you will be able to write on that topic.

Killing title

After research, you should take a killing title which can tell everything about your article that what you are going to tell the audience. The title should be so catchy that one should get an interest that what is told in this article. Make title on the basis of your post and should be accurate and catchy.

Eye catching look with Images

I have seen many blogs where only plain text has been written. A blogger must understand that this content is not made for the software or robot. Your content must make an appeal to the audience that they are going to enjoy this article. Even I have seen many articles where even alignment of the content is not done and so many ads. For sure it is not important for google crawler but for a user it is important that there eye should not search for the content. It should be clear for the audience. As we all know that images tell a lot so one should use images in each post or article.

Make relationship with the audience

Don’t make your article boring that one gets frustrated by reading the article. You should write your content so that it makes a relation with the audience. Use words like oh! Yes! Ah! Oops! Ha Ha! Etc so that it makes the audience feel that you are talking to them.

Prompt them for comments

Healthy articles are only those where viewers give their comments. Comments are like the motivation for the blogger Ha ha….! Really it is a fact. So encourage the viewers to comment on your post and also give reply to each comment.

Stay connected

Stay connected with your time from any mean. You can be in their contact using comments, facebook, google + and twitter etc. You should talk them that what improvement they want from you and how can you help them more.

So these are the Tips for how to write great articles for blogs.

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