Last night preparation tips for students: Sometimes we stack in a situation when we don’t have any time and from the very next we need to give the exam. This kind of problem is very common in the students of engineering, MBA and polytechnic. The reason being that in few semesters, we are not sure that which syllabus is correct according to the university even at the last time. In few cases we have other problems too like family problem, girlfriend problem and gang war problem throughout the semester. So we don’t know the exact reason but at last, we find ourselves that oh! My God tomorrow is my final exam and I have just this night to pass the exam. I am writing this article Last night preparation tips for students for all my engineering, MBA and polytechnic friends. So the Last night preparation tips for students are given below as.
Last night preparation tips for students
Be calm
It may be very funny for you that hey what you saying. Tomorrow is my exam, I didn’t study anything and you are saying me to be calm. Yes my bro it is not that much big task. And surely there are many students which are in the same situation. There are lots of students who cleared many semester exams just studying a night before the exam. So why can’t you do this. Yes you can surely be calm and concentrate on the following steps.
Syllabus and pattern
All most in all the courses we have common four units from which 5 questions come in the exam and we have to pick any four questions. So understand which unit is small and most scoring. The syllabus plays an important role because it tells you that you have to concentrate on which part. So collect your syllabus and pattern before you start because throughout the night this syllabus will be in your hand.
Call up the friends
It is the most common activity we used to do in our exam days. We used to call our friend who we thought that he would have done the whole syllabus. We call them and ask them please bro tell me what to do I didn’t have just read the syllabus at once and he used to tell us that do this portion and do that portion. Really it helped us a lot. My friend just tells me the important questions and important units.
Important questions
When your friend tells you important question then just write them on a paper. Your friend knows that how important these questions are. You just focus on these questions and firstly concentrate on them. So just complete these questions first and move to the next step.
10 year
10 years are very important for any exam. They give us a list of important questions. If any question is repeating from many semesters then that question id dead sure important. So you need to revise at least those questions at glance for sure.
Take tea and coffee but not alcohol
You know that your whole syllabus will take your whole night. And as a human being it is not an easy task for anyone that they do study for the whole night. Yes you can spend your night by watching English movies and chatting with your girlfriend but study is opposite of both of these. So take coffee of tea to make you in working position for the whole night. I suggest here that don’t ever use alcohol because it will just damage your learning power and you will feel just empty at the time of examination. So strictly ordering and politely requesting please don’t ever use them.
Take a sleep of at least 2 hr
Few students get so afraid of re-app that they are not able to sleep for the whole night and they just take tension of it and blaming there selves. You need to focus on what you have in your hand not what you have lost. So be calm and take a sleep of at least 2 hrs. Because if you don’t sleep, then you will be sleeping in the exam.
The Double D (Discard Distractions)
Yes double D is the most common reason that why we are at this stage because if you don’t discard your distraction then you will be missing this important night too. Distractions like chain messaging, Facebook, youtube and chatting on phone are a big reason that we have wasted our whole semester. Then please for this night ignore or discard these distractions.
So these are the Last night preparation tips for students with which they can escape from this critical situation.